
We invite you to submit papers reflecting both finished works as well as works in progress, containing original and promising ideas.
We welcome the following types of submissions:

  • Short papers (2-4 pages)
  • Long papers (8-10 pages)

Long submitted papers will be peer-reviewed based on technical quality, relation to the topics of the conference, originality, relevance, significance, and clarity.
Short papers will be evaluated for their significance considering them as ongoing work description. Note that all submissions must be original.
Short accepted papers will be presented as posters, mainly.

Guide for authors

Paper submissions must meet the following criteria:

  • Papers must be written in English language to be published in the proceedings.
  • Papers must be submitted in PDF format following the IOSPress guidelines.
  • Detailed instructions, templates and style sheets for manuscript preparation are available to download here:
  • Papers should not include page numbers.
  • All papers must have an Abstract and a list of keywords.


Accepted long and short papers will be published at the conference proceedings book in the collection “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications” of IOS Press.
Camera-ready versions of accepted papers should follow in the same IOSPress format guidelines.

There will also be two special issues of indexed journals for submitting extended versions of the best conference papers, IJCIS and IJAIT:

International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (IJCIS)

Selected works can be extended to be submitted to the special issue of the journal: International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (IJCIS): Special issue on: New reasoning models: improving optimization and decision support with the management of uncertainty and constraints

Guest Editors: Dr. Cèsar Fernández, Dr. Aida Valls, Dr. Mateu Villaret

This special issue will focus on the topic of methods and practical applications that involve management of uncertainty or constraints in optimization and decision-support problems. In the frame of computational intelligence, fuzzy logic and probabilistic models are two well-known approaches that extend mathematical logics for the management of uncertainty. In this special issue, we would like to include also models deriving from logics for the management of satisfiability of complex constraints. The aim is to give a broader view of the advances in logic-based models and systems, together with its use in practical applications. The focus of the special issue is in the field of optimization problems, including also decision support systems, which deal with sets of constraints or vagueness.

A tentative list of topics is the following one: Fuzzy decision support systems, Argumentation reasoning for decision making, Optimization methods, Constraint satisfaction problems, Logics for modelling and problem-solving, Computing with words for decision making, Qualitative Reasoning, Applications of these methods in practical decision or optimization problems.

EUSFLAT members can publish their paper for free. To join EUSFLAT, with a discount if you are members of ACIA: 

International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)

Selected works can be extended to be submitted to a the special issue of the journal International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT): Special issue on: Data mining, machine learning and decision support systems in Health Care

Guest Editors: Dr. Aida Valls, Dr. Teresa Alsinet, Dr. Antonio Moreno

Health care is a traditional field of application of Artificial Intelligence methods. Due to its complexity and high impact in society, many health-care related problems still need to be studied, modelled, and solved from an AI perspective. Now it is the right moment to stress the applicability of AI methods in this field because we have now the computational power and enough data to achieve goals that bring AI closer to the users (patients and doctors). This special issue is focused on presenting new techniques, challenges and solutions using data mining, machine learning and decision support models.

Topics of interest are the following ones: Representation of medical knowledge, Data mining and data analytics, Clustering and classification, Case-based reasoning in health care, Machine learning in health care, Deep learning for health-related problems, Medical decision support systems, Personalization of care, Virtual assistants in health care.

Applied Sciences (AppSci)

Special issue of the journal: Applied Sciences: Women in AI

DonesIAcatpromotes this new special issue to make female research visible. It is for a issue where articles must be signed by a female first author (may be accompanied by others). The best CCIA articles that meet this criterion will be invited to submit an extended version to this special issue with a 50% discount on APC costs.

Guest Editors: Dr. Aida Valls, Dr. Karina Gibert

This special issue aims to gather research work done by women in a single journal issue in order to enhance the visibility. This may also contribute to greater dissemination of the exceptional research being done by female scientists.

Because of the relevance of Artificial Intelligence nowadays, this Special Issue is focused on research conducted in the field of Artificial Intelligence, which is a STEM discipline that has increased in interest and applicability in recent years. Thus, this Special Issue will provide an attractive compendium of the AI research led by women over a wide perspective, with focus on real social or industrial applications to health, mobility, or any other topic relevant for digital society development, and new theoretical contributions to all branches of the AI field, from reasoning to image processing, welcoming voice, natural language processing, and social AI, among others.

The goal is to highlight the women working on cutting edge topics in AI, both from a theoretical and applied point of view.

We encourage women scientists leading research on AI to submit an original manuscript to this Special Issue. Submissions must have a woman as first author to be considered for inclusion.

Work submission

Works should be submitted to CCIA2021 using EasyChair at:

By May, 18th titles and abstracts should be submitted, with works submitted for consideration by May, 25th.

Guidelines for the final version

Accepted long and short papers will be published in the conference proceedings as open access in “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications” (IOS Press).

Final versions must follow the IOS Press format guidelines. Please, follow instructions for MS Word and LaTeX processors at

Authors must send their final versions not later than July, 19th using EasyChair:

Registration allows to publish a paper in the conference proceedings. Publishing more than one accepted paper requires an extra payment of 150€ for each additional paper.