El CCIA 2021 ha organitzat 3 edicions especials en revistes internacionals indexades a JCR oberts a tothom, però particularment als assistents al CCIA.

International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (IJCIS)

Special issue of the journal: New reasoning models: improving optimization and decision support with the management of uncertainty and constraints.

Guest Editors: Dr. Cèsar Fernández, Dr. Aida Valls, Dr. Mateu Villaret

Aquest número especial es centra en els mètodes i aplicacions pràctiques que involucren la gestió de la incertesa i les restriccions en problemes d’optimització i suport a la decisió. Dins l’àmbit de la intel·ligència computacional, la lògica difosa i els models probabilístics, són ben coneguts dues aproximacions que extenen la lògica matemàtica per a la gestió de la incertesa. En aquest nombre especial, també s’inclouen models derivats de la lògica per a la gestió de la satisfactibilitat amb restriccions complexes. L’objectiu és donar un ampli punt de vista dels avanços en models i sistemes basats en la lògica, conjuntament amb el seu ús en aplicacions pràctiques. L’objectiu es centra en el camp dels problemes d’optimització, incloent-hi també els sistemes de suport a decisions que tracten amb conjunts de restriccions o incertesa.

La llista de temes, orientativa, és: Fuzzy decision support systems, Argumentation reasoning for decision making, Optimization methods, Constraint satisfaction problems, Logics for modelling and problem-solving, Computing with words for decision making, Qualitative Reasoning, Applications of these methods in practical decision or optimization problems.

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CFP de l’edició especial:


International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)

Special issue of the journal: Data mining, machine learning and decision support systems in Health Care.

Guest Editors: Dr. Aida Valls, Dr. Teresa Alsinet, Dr. Antonio Moreno

Health care is a traditional field of application of Artificial Intelligence methods. Due to its complexity and high impact in society, many health-care related problems still need to be studied, modelled, and solved from an AI perspective. Now it is the right moment to stress the applicability of AI methods in this field because we have now the computational power and enough data to achieve goals that bring AI closer to the users (patients and doctors). This special issue is focused on presenting new techniques, challenges and solutions using data mining, machine learning and decision support models.

Topics of interest are the following ones: Representation of medical knowledge, Data mining and data analytics, Clustering and classification, Case-based reasoning in health care, Machine learning in health care, Deep learning for health-related problems, Medical decision support systems, Personalization of care, Virtual assistants in health care.

CFP de l’edició especial:


Applied Sciences (AppSci)

Special issue of the journal: Applied Sciences: Women in AI

DonesIAcat promou aquest nou volum especial per fer visible la recerca en femení. És per un volum on els articles han d’anar signats per una dona com a primera autora (acompanyada de qui correspongui). Els millors articles del CCIA que compleixin aquest criteri seran convidats a enviar una versió estesa a aquest special issue amb un descompte del 50% en els costos de APC.

Guest Editors: Dr. Aida Valls, Dr. Karina Gibert

This special issue aims to gather research work done by women in a single journal issue in order to enhance the visibility. This may also contribute to greater dissemination of the exceptional research being done by female scientists.

Because of the relevance of Artificial Intelligence nowadays, this Special Issue is focused on research conducted in the field of Artificial Intelligence, which is a STEM discipline that has increased in interest and applicability in recent years. Thus, this Special Issue will provide an attractive compendium of the AI research led by women over a wide perspective, with focus on real social or industrial applications to health, mobility, or any other topic relevant for digital society development, and new theoretical contributions to all branches of the AI field, from reasoning to image processing, welcoming voice, natural language processing, and social AI, among others.

The goal is to highlight the women working on cutting edge topics in AI, both from a theoretical and applied point of view.

We encourage women scientists leading research on AI to submit an original manuscript to this Special Issue. Submissions must have a woman as first author to be considered for inclusion.

CFP de l’edició especial:
